Device-level targeting refers to the segmentation of online advertising campaigns by device type (mobile, tablet, pc), operating system, and even device models (Apple vs Samsung?). It is a strategy that makes sense for certain business, depending on the product you may be selling it can make sense to target a specific device or it can allow you to optimize a campaign to a specific format (mobile vs online). Even Google has toyed with allowing device-level targeting, removing it in 2013, and subsequently reinstating the option in 2016.
In a nutshell, targeting specific devices gives you more control. Not just on optimizing your ad type specifically to a mobile screen or tablet screen—but it can give you useful demographic and usage information. For instance, with device-level targeting you can isolate which devices are growing in usage—an ever increasing amount of sales and clicks are coming from mobile compared to both tablets and pcs. You can also adjust your bids given when usage is highest per device. PC usage peaks by midday, while mobile PPC traffic spikes on weekends and during evening and commuter hours. Having this information in your hands can allow you to build separate, orderly campaigns that bid for these peak times.
Devices also have their demographic differences. Tablet users tend to skew female while PC usage skew only slightly more male than female. Mobile users have a lower conversion than PC as they tend to be more impulsive and of lower value.
Segmenting by device also gives you stricter control over your budget, distributing your money exactly the way you want. If it isn’t something you’ve tried before, we recommend you take a look into it!
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