Device-level targeting refers to the segmenting of online campaigns by device type, operating system, and even model. It can be a useful tool for setting up specified and controlled targeted online advertising campaigns. In order to help you make your decision about whether or not you may be interested, we’ve made a list of some of the pros and cons of device-level targeting:
Device Usage: Besides isolating which devices are growing in usage you can also adjust your bids given when usage is highest per device. PC usage peaks by midday, while mobile PPC traffic spikes on weekends and during evening and commuter hours.
Demographics: Device-level targeting holds a wealth of demographic information specific to device usage. Tablet users tend to skew female while PC usage skew only slightly more male than female. Mobile users have a lower conversion than PC as they tend to be more impulsive and of lower value, as well as other relevant age, gender, and household income information.
Specific Messaging: Different devices have different characteristics in terms of user needs and tolerance levels when it comes to online advertising. Keying into these differences can allow you to create more specifically targeted messages.
Budget Control: Last but not least of all is the control over your budget. Segmenting by device also gives you stricter control over your budget, distributing your money exactly the way you want.
Increased Complexity: You will have to invest more time. Because you are creating separate campaigns, you will simply have more to monitor.
Data Shrinkage: A non-segmented PPC campaign is likely to get more clicks than your campaigns segmented by device. Where you might have had a 100 clicks a day in a normal campaign, your segmented campaigns may yield 50 in a PC campaign, 35 in mobile and 15 in tablet. Separately, these may give you a data pool too small to make any decisions.
Account limits: Device-level targeting is one of many, many segmenting and targeting options available to you. By beginning to create separate campaigns per device, you may reach your account limits much more quickly.
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