The fast-changing digital world can be hard to keep up with. Here are the three top recent changes set to influence the future of online advertising.
- Identity-Based PPC: Identity-based PPC allows advertisers to target users with the specificity of e-mail, but without blasting their inboxes and annoying the user. Users cannot unsubscribe from seeing ads. Identity-based PPC is, weirdly enough, a great way to get your content or link to go viral. While it is obviously frowned upon for a company to pay for digital content to go viral, what advertisers can do with identity-based PPC is pay an influencer who may have a specific interest in the subject of your link to share this link with his followers or connections, much like a sponsored ad.
- Automated Solutions: Google is automating and simplifying their system. This automation is a trend slowly popping up in all ad buying and selling programmatic across the industry. Repetitive tasks are being removed from the digital online advertising process. Essentially, automated programming may help digital marketers do their real job! Without having to focus on menial tasks and manipulation of keywords and positioning tactics, more real, creative marketing can come into play!
- Content Remarketing: Content remarketing works is quite simple. You must first create high-quality content. With original and interesting content, promote selected pieces of high-performing content on different social media outlets. When these selected pieces of content bring new users to your page, tag them with a cookie so you can track their activity on your site. This will give you information that allows you to segment and filter them by activity type into different user profiles. As a result, you will be able to advertise to these users by their segment with remarketing ads more specifically designed for their consumer category and hopefully convert these leads into sales! Content remarketing is right at the crux of SEO, PPC, social and content marketing. It takes the best of all of these areas and creates a full-blown and operating online advertising strategy.
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