Hitting the Mark: Target Your Display Ad
Let’s say you’ve defined your online marketing strategy to include a display advertisement, perhaps a banner ad you have created to drive traffic to your website. You’ve mastered up some good creative and made a budget and are ready to place your ad on the web. With virtually the entire world at your disposal as a target audience, the options available for targeting your ad are immense. This being said, your ad probably won’t be seen by the entire world, so when choosing who will see it, it’s important to make sure you make an informed choice. Below are the different targeting options available to you across different display networks:
- Keyword Targeting: Here, Google will place your ad on websites with content that contains keywords you described as relevant to your campaign, business, and/or product.
- Demographic Targeting: This will allow you to filter your target audience by a demographic profile that is set by you and can be as specific or not as possible with traits such as gender, income, age, location, interests, browsing habits, etc.
- Placement Targeting: This allows you to specifically choose the website you’d like to display your ad on, much like placing an advertisement in a magazine.
- Topic Targeting: This allows you to place your display ad within an option of websites that all fall within a certain topic or genre. This is particularly useful if you have a niche business.
- Audience targeting: Also known as ad remarketing, this is becoming increasingly common and you may have already noticed it in your personal browsing habits. This allows you to target (or retarget) users who have already visited and browsed through your page, encouraging them to revisit it.
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