Brand awareness refers to the ability of a customer to identify your brand based on different attributes. There are different types of brand awareness, it may surprise you to know that sometime it doesn’t even have to do with the brand name itself.
- Brand recall: Recall refers to the unaided ability to list the names of brand based on a particular category. For instance, customers can typically name up to 7 brands in a broad category such as fast food chains.
- Brand Recognition: This is the aided recognition of a brand. For instance, if I show you a picture of the golden arches, it would be your ability to correctly state that it is McDonald’s, a brand of fast food restaurants.
- Visual Branding: Visual branding is the ability to recognize a brand from its colors, packaging, advertisements, or visual symbols independently of the brand name. Sometimes, customers will buy products based on their visual appearance rather than the product, you may have noticed this happen to you in a supermarket.
- Top of Mind: This category of brand awareness refers to the very first brand that comes to mind when asked about a specific category. For instance if you were to ask a consumer to name their favorite soda or cereal.

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