Loyalty may seem like a strong word when referring to branding , but if you think of your own experiences with certain brands you may find it’s a merited one. Think about your own experiences with certain colognes, stores, and technological products. Galaxy or iPhone? Brand loyalty obviously doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a long process that is the result of strategic marketing work. Let’s explore then the 3 stages that lead up to brand loyalty. Recognition: This is the first stage in developing loyal customers. You must have, at this point put in the work to differentiate your brand enough from others that when looking at several options, customers at least recognize your brand. If you find you are not at this stage yet, think of developing some awareness-building campaigns for your brand. Preference: This is where your customers choose your brand over the competitions, when all things are more or less equal. But at this stage, a Nielsen study reports that 4 out of 10 cust...
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